Vegan Deodorant? You mean there are animal bits in my pit juice? GROSS Right? That's exactly what I was thinking when I first found this article over on the Vegan Banana. Is there no end to the things we'll stick unneeded animal goo in? Well, in the case of antiperspirants and deodorants it's more a case of them being tested on animals than actual animal ingredients in the products themselves.
In my opinion that's just as bad. I mean, have you seen what those darn companies do to dogs, cats, mice & monkeys? All so they can tell you that if you get soap in your eyes it'll sting! Disgraceful! Seriously, are you an evolved species or what? Can't you figure out for yourself to stop using something if it stings, causes a rash or something similar?
Turns out all of these vegan deodorant's have excellent reviews from LOTS of people over on Amazon. And you know how folks like to complain about problems they have with stuff so if there are lots of reviews and almost none of them have anything bad to say you can bet your bottom dollar that the stuff works pretty much as described.
Anyway, we found this list of cruelty free vegan deodorant to be quite inclusive no matter what kind of "pit juice" you prefer. There are pastes, sticks, crystals and a roll-on for you to check out.
via 7 Cruelty Free Vegan Deodorant Ideas! • The Vegan Banana:

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