Monday, July 15, 2013

Hair Bow Ribbon For Making Boutique Bows

Ok, we're on a hair bow ribbon roll today.  We've got three new supper spiffy pages for you to check out.

Taffeta Ribbon For Hair Bows

Velvet Ribbon For Hair Bows

Tulle Ribbon For Hair Bows

Yes, I've been getting tons of requests to add some ribbons to our hair bow supplies.  I guess folks are sick of having to run here and there to find the ribbons they are looking for and I don't blame them one little bit.

It sucks to go into a store and not be able to find the what you are looking for.  Or worse still, to find the right color and style of ribbon but for them not to have it in the width you need!

I know that doesn't sound like it'd be worse but to me it's far more frustrating than them simply not having any in the first place. LOL

Anyway, over at we're trying to eliminate that frustration for you.  We're putting together a rainbow of hair bow ribbons in a whole heap of different fabric choices.

Why don't you head on over and take a peek?

If you like what you see could you please share us with your friends?  You'll find Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest buttons to make it easy for you.


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