Friday, May 3, 2013

Avanti Wine Fridge

And now for something completely different... Let's talk about the Avanti Wine Fridge!

I have always wanted one of these little babies.  Ever since my (at the time) boyfriend and I got into home wine making, way back when.  I'm not gonna tell you how "way back" lol

Anyway, turns out these are way less expensive then I thought they'd be.  Too cool!  You can read all about what I learned over here...

  1. View The Avanti Wine Fridge Selection He...
  2. Avanti Wine Chiller
  3. Wine Lover Info
  4. Avanti Wine Cellars
  5. The Great Wine Fridge Debate!
  6. Avanti Wine Chillers
  7. Avanti Wine Cellar
  8. Wine Lovers Accessories
  9. Avanti Wine Fridge Guestbook
  10. Avanti Wine Fridge Table of Contents

Oh... and don't forget to sign the guest book and tell me what you think :)

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